This weekend I participated in my first art show at an actual gallery. There was wine, cheese, beer, tiny robots running into walls, other robots that were scared of the light hiding under tables, and art hanging on white walls. The first night I just kind of stood around and watched people look at the art. 20 of the robots from the 100 ROBOTS project were hanging along one wall, and people were playing a game trying to guess each other's favorite robot. The second night I wore my robot costume from halloween. I forgot to bring my camera, but luckily Doctor Popular and Evan Ackerman took some pictures which I stole from their websites. Switching gears from doing tiny paintings to two larger paintings on canvases was pretty weird. I had originally wanted to do three paintings, all with zombies in them, but I ran out of time. Painting a group of zombies takes some time! Here are the paintings that I did specifically for this show:
"When there's no room left in Hell, the robots will be lonely" - 24" x 24" - SOLD
This painting sold the first night, and let me tell you, selling a painting at a gallery to someone you don't know is a really great feeling.
"Winding Down" - 24" x 24" - $300
I had a great time, raised some money for something awesome, and got to see some cool art. Fun times!